
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Moving is like lemon pie

I recently moved to Raleigh, NC.  This was my 8th move (9th if you count temporary housing) in 14 years.  I'm averaging less than 2 years per residence.  Does this make me unstable or adventurous?  I like to think of myself as adventurous.  When I was younger I was scared of so many things.  Now I crave the unknown.  This translates in many areas of my life.  I almost never make the same meal twice unless it was really amazing.  This really annoys my husband who thinks you should never try out a new recipe on company.  I beg to differ.  Of course there's the danger that it will be an utter failure - but there's also the chance that it will be amazing.  Like my recent lemon pie.
That's how it is with moving, too.  Sometimes it turns out to be a failure.  Yet, more often than not, I find amazing new friends and learn a lot about myself along the way.  Each place I've lived has become a part of who I am now - an ingredient in the recipe of my life, adding a depth of flavors.  Oh there's lots to tell about all of those places... later.  Here's the newest story to tell: an adventurous woman just bought a house and settled down.  It's hard to imagine living in one place for so long.  Will this make life stable or boring?  I'm not sure; it's definately the unkown.  But I can't imagine my house will ever be boring! 


  1. nice job. I cant wait for some of the ponderings to come.

  2. I know exactly what you mean about never making the same thing twice. I'm just like that and my husband doesn't like it either. He'd eat the same thing every week. B-o-r-i-n-g! :)
